Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas letters from Santa

The kids got their Christmas letters in the mail today from Santa, and boy oh boy were they excited (well Madison was excited enough for both of them) Blake just tried to eat his :) The letters were personalized from Santa and told Madison how good in school she was doing, and how great a big sister she has been this year. Blake's letter told him that he was such a good sleeper, and eater. Santa told the kids that he would try his best to get them the toys they were asking for, and requested that they please leave out some reindeer food for the reindeers because they got very hungry delivering toys! Madison was very excited and told us that she would make sure to put some carrots with Santa's cookies and milk! I love this time of year and seeing the excitement in my babies eyes!!! Merry Christmas!

Christmas Program!

Madison had her first school program on Friday, and she did GREAT!!! I am such a proud Mommy!!!! They had their Christmas program at the preschool on Friday and both Bryan and I got to attend as well as Grandparents. Madison was really excited to go up on stage and sing all of the songs that she has been learning at school!! She has a cold so the congestion was getting to her half way through the program but she tried her best to stick it out. I am so excited that she is getting to experience all of these new great things that the preschool is teaching her! She is so excited about Christmas, and it being Jesus' birthday!!! We took the kids to go look at lights at Saluda Shoals one night last week and the whole time all she kept asking for was to see "baby Jesus". She is just too sweet!!! Well Madison mommy and daddy are so proud of you for doing so well in your program, and we look forward to many more things that you and your brother will get to do. As a special treat my mom "madison's mimi" gave her Horton hears a who for doing so well singing so we are all planning on watching it this weekend!